Sussex Area Conservative Conference 2021 (online) 30th January 2021 From 10am via Zoom The Sussex Area Team warmly invites you to their virtual Area Conference. The agenda is below and the link to book your ticket is:
Online with the Chancellor 13th January 2021 7pm Kick off 2021 with an Online Audience with the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP, introduced by the Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP and hosted by...
Mid Sussex Chairman's Christmas Event 8th December 2020 6.45pm online Join M id Sussex Conservatives Association for their Chairman’s Event on 8th December 2020 - Time 6.45pm With guest speaker: The Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP...
SUSSEX AREA QUESTION TIME 27th November 2020 7.30pm online Sussex Area Question Time - Chaired by Peter Booth, National Convention Vice President with responsibilities for the South East On 27th November at 7.30pm Click...
ONLINE WITH THE HOME SECRETARY 24th November 2020 7pm On Tuesday 24th November, the Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner is hosting an exciting online event with the Home Secretary Priti Patel. https://www...
CWO ONLINE CHRISTMAS AUCTION 20th November 2020 7pm via Zoom Join the online CWO Christmas Auction on 20th November 2020 at 7pm via Zoom Your Auctioneer for the evening is John Dabell List of Auction Lots Lot 1 'TREAT...
PARTY CONFERENCE 4th October 2020 Now going virtual Conservative Party Conference 2020 - at the Birmingham ICC, on the 4th – 7th October - is still planned to go ahead (at at June 2020). Please check on the link...
Coffee Morning - Polegate Branch 12th September 2020 SADLY CANCELLED Event cancelled under current restrictions.
Summer Lunch 27th June 2020 Sadly postponed. SADLY POSTPONED - Lewes Town and Kingston Branch invite all members, supporters and friends to a Summer Lunch in Westmeston Parish Hall BN6 8RL on Saturday 27th...
Polegate Pamper Evening 15th May 2020 SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION ALL EVENTS CURRENTLY POSTPONED VENUE: Polegate Community Centre. Time: 19.30 - 22.00 TICKETS: £5 to include glass of wine/juice - from Diane Fenton. QUESTIONS -...
COFFEE MORNING - Lewes & Kingston Branch 9th May 2020 SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION ALL EVENTS CURRENTLY POSTPONED We look forward to welcoming members, supporters and friends to Rodmell Hill House, BN7 3HS at 10.30am on Saturday 9th May...
Lewes Ladies' Lunch - AGM 5th February 2020 Noon for 12.30pm - TBC The AGM at Shelleys Restaurant, High Street Lewes. More details closer to the time. Members will receive meeting papers. Membership of the LCCA is only...